Safe water pipes for nuclear power plants

Safety water pipes for nuclear power plants, namely fiberglass pipes for nuclear power plant fire water supply systems, are different from ordinary civil pipelines. The fire water supply pipeline distributes fire water with sufficient design pressure and design flow to the nuclear island, conventional island, and BOP buildings in order according to the importance of each nuclear power plant building. Among them, the fire protection pipeline JPI related to the nuclear island is a nuclear safety facility.


  • 产品描述
    • Commodity name: Safe water pipes for nuclear power plants

    Safety water pipes for nuclear power plants, namely fiberglass pipes for nuclear power plant fire water supply systems, are different from ordinary civil pipelines. The fire water supply pipeline distributes fire water with sufficient design pressure and design flow to the nuclear island, conventional island, and BOP buildings in order according to the importance of each nuclear power plant building. Among them, the fire protection pipeline JPI related to the nuclear island is a nuclear safety facility.

      Safety water pipes for nuclear power plants, namely fiberglass pipes for nuclear power plant fire water supply systems, are different from ordinary civil pipelines. The fire water supply pipeline distributes fire water with sufficient design pressure and design flow to the nuclear island, conventional island, and BOP buildings in order according to the importance of each nuclear power plant building. Among them, the fire protection pipeline JPI related to the nuclear island is a nuclear safety facility. For fire pipelines, the seismic resistance level and fire safety must be considered to ensure safety and reliability. The water supply pipe network adopts a circular pipe network layout to improve security. The operating pressure of the fiberglass pipe network is maintained at 1.2MPa, the temperature is 80°C, and the service life is 50 years. Implementation standards: Safety Guidelines for "Fire Protection in Nuclear Power Plants" (HAF 0202); "Fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants" (EJ/T 1082-2005) and glass pipe standards. Schematic diagram of the built water supply system pipeline of a nuclear power plant:


    Nanjing Xinhe Composite Materials Co., Ltd.

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